Wednesday 11 February 2015

New Love

It's been a few weeks since the very first time i realise my feelings for that certain someone.
It's quite shocking for myself. I would've never thought to have feelings for him.
It's amazing how people can change so easily. I don't want to be like those people who goes straight into another love life after ending one.
It's despicable for me but I guess my feelings just won't listen.
It's been quite hard for me these few days after admitting to a friend about my feelings.

Sometimes, I just feel like crying. But, sometimes, I would want to show my biggest, widest smile to everyone, but mainly him.
I guess that's just what love does to people. Unstable emotions and what not.
I'm afraid of what might happen if I continue nurturing this feeling in me. I know that he has someone he likes.
I'm afraid I'll destroy my image from his point of view.

For now, I can only keep it all in and hopefully, let it die down itself.
But as days pass, I came to realise that this feeling is not decreasing any lower than it should.
It's increasing like crazy and hormones are attacking my emotions. I hate it yet, like it at the same time.

Sometimes, I would desperately want to say my feelings for him straight in his face but wouldn't dare to. Knowing the outcome, who would?
I know that, being close by is already good enough for me. Even looking at him from afar makes me smile.

His moods sometimes affects mine. When he's in a down mood, I would become down myself. When he's all happy and hyper, I would be too.

Oh how strong love is.