Thursday 18 October 2012


When I woke up this morning, I already felt something strange.
I just didn't what it was..
I went on facebook right after waking up.
Around 10, i went to bath.
Then at that time, i realised i haven't eaten my breakfast.
There isn't enough time to make the instant noodles
So i took a packet of biscuits and ate it.
At least that helped my hunger for a while.

Then at around 11, i went to school.
Before that, my mum had to go to the gas station and send some stuff to her friend or something.
I arrived at school at around 11:20++
HIS exam already ended at that time.
So i waited for him.
When he walked pass me, I didn't notice he was there until i turned around again.
He didn't bother to greet me..but i ignored that..
Maybe it's because he saw me with a group of people so he didn't dare to come forward
OR he could just be rushing..or something..I felt sad and angry...of myself.
I don't know why. I just feel like I wanna break something.
Then we had our PSV Paper 2 examination. I drew some geometry stuffs.
It looked pretty good to me.
Then, i went down with Jia Hui to wash our cups and pallets.
Then, i saw him and he saw me.
I think he smiled at me or something but i don't know...
I put on a sour face all the way upstairs to our exam classroom..
I felt bad, sad, moody and i felt like crying just seeing him...

I wonder what happened?!
Is it something that i've done?!

then i'm sorry if it is ):

Man...I'm so messed up today...didn't even eat lunch too..only the same packet of biscuits that i brought to school ):

Dang man...dang..



Sunday 7 October 2012


Today, we start our 2nd semester examination.
Going to have it for 2 weeks straight but only 7 days going to school.
Since we're having the exams in the afternoon, i can relax in the morning.
But the thing is,
I won't get to see my dear at school.
Since he's going for morning session..
That's pretty unlucky.

Why must the school be so unfair to us..
But never mind.
I may be able to see him later since I'm going to school at 10 am (:
I want to hear him say "I LOVE YOU!" :D hahahaha
He promised anyways -w-
Well, wish me luck,
peoples! <3

If you do, I'll wish you all luck too! If i know you guys -w-

Buh bye!


Monday 1 October 2012

Wee~ Today is our 2nd monthiversary.
I love him so much! >.<
Too bad we could do anything special today.
But it doesn't mean that'll stop us from loving each other xD
I just love to say how much I Love Him. (:
I want to hold his hands, hug him, let him hug me, tightly around him. <3
I would like that.
But i always joke around how he wouldn't be able to hug me
Even though i seriously want his embrace :D
If only he could see this (:



-two days report- o___o

They gave out the gifts to the students for the Mooncake Festival thing.
I received 8 cards. A lot? I don't know..
Somehow, my friends say I received the most in my class/school.
Just because of my stupid friend, Nicholas. Gosh..
But I'm more interested in my boyfriend's gift to me. (:
It may be lesser than that guy's but it's still special to me.
He even helped provide a bag for me to put all the gifts in.
How sweet of him (:

When i was bored in class, i did a cute little Thank You card for him but
I don't think he ever looked inside when i gave it to him and
When i saw him put the card back into my pencil case,
I was actually disappointed..
I felt a thousand times more horrible than i did at the last lesson
When we had to rush to finish our PBS practice.

That day was our outing too.
But the disappointing thing is that he could make it.
He totally forgotten to tell me that he was going for the Kem Bersepadu thing.
I was shocked and sad when i received that message from him yesterday.
Gosh. I thought my luck was getting worse..
So, he went to the camp at around 2.
I was lonely after that
Until i arrived at Merdeka Mall to gather with my other 4 friends.
We watched Premium Rush together and walked around the mall.
Me and the girls tried on different clothes at different shops.
It was amazing. :D It's my first time wearing a dress.

He came back from the camp at around 2++ in the afternoon.
I thought they were coming back in the evening but yay! it's in the afternoon.
I was quite happy :D I get to see my dear's texts again :D
After 1 long day. (:
I missed him a lot. even though he was just gone for 1 day.
Anyways, when he asked me to guess what he did at the camp,
He told me: I go hiao girl there.
I was like what the heck?!
Then i replied: Want to leave me? Just say so. (it sounded kinda cold huh?)
Well, he deserves that answer.
He said : what the...): ...
Damn it..I don't like to him joking around about THAT. hurts me..
Then, he told me not to be angry.
I told him i wasn't even though it was a lie..):
Sorry i lied..dear. i didn't mean to..
so, we're good again after that. i just want him to forget about fighting..i don't want to lose him.
he's too dear to me than anybody else. ):

that's all? stay tuned (:
