Wednesday 14 March 2012

My bruised arm :)

well, Hi there, peeps :)
I'm just going to skip to the part where i got a bruise on my arm :D

right, in the afternoon, i went to archery training
since i went there early,
some of us started shooting first while waiting for the others to arrive.
right, shoot shoot shoot.~ skip skip skip~
then, i keep shooting shooting.
my hand keep getting hit by the bow's string.
it doesn't hurt much from the start but as time goes
it started stinging real bad.
it was all red! had a bump .__.
my was so soar, red in the middle, purple in the outside.
it was quite big, the bruise. .__.
right, then, the coach gave me an arm-guard to protect my arm.
thank goodness :D
or i would've cried. badly. ._.
and nobody would like that.. ._.

i went back home, put ice on it and now it's so cold :3 well,
was cold. now it had turned warm agn. ._.
okay, maybe later i'm going to put ice on it agn.

k that's all. buh bye!


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