Monday 24 December 2012

Hey, Christmas Eve!

So, as you all know, it's Christmas Eve! :D
In Asia, that is. (:
Well, i hope everyone out there is having a good time
With family and friends whom you could enjoy the day/night with (:

As for my C.E (Christmas Eve) morning,
I woke up at exactly 6 a.m.
Pretty early, isn't it? xD
Plus, i slept at 12 a.m. Meaning I only had 6 hours of sleep.
Which wasn't enough for me! @.@
But i still survived the day (:

C.E afternoon,
Almost 2 p.m, Vanessa came to pick me up to go to Merdeka Mall.
Even though my limbs' are broken, i just want to get out of the house.
I'm getting bored in here ):
I wasn't thinking of training but i just went with it. Since Conny told me that
Coach ricky wanted me to train ):
I actually just wanted to use the dumbbell until the whole training lesson is over.
After training and all, some of us went down together to get something to eat.
I bought myself a waffle with peanut butter fillings (:
My all time favourite flavor :D

C.E evening,
Me and vanessa went back at around 630, maybe
The first thing i said to my maid when i got home is..
"I want instant noodles!" xD
I was really damn hungry that time :/
After eating and all, I went into my room.
And now, BLOGGING about it (:

This was how i "celebrated" my C.E.
Not that interesting, right? I know..
Tmr. I hope i get to see him though.
Although i'm spending that day with Vanessa again,
I just really hope to see him again.
It's been a while since..
but my love for him has not changed :B
Anyways, yea..
Going to watch CZ12 with her tmr.
It's a movie. quite interesting i guess :D

That's all from me.
Wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! :D



Thursday 13 December 2012


Well, hey, it's already December.
Time sure flies by fast, as i'd said, right? :D
I really really can't wait till school reopens and go through the Orientation Programme.
I'm really excited to see new faces coming into our school. SMK Saint Columba!
I hope that the students will learn to cooperate with us as we may be a little stressed
because of their attitude sometimes.
I hope those spoiled kids can learn to be better at things.

On 31st of December, we're going back to school to register for 2013.
I really can't wait for that either.
I might get a chance to see HIM again on that day (:
Well, it's not like we can't see each other before that xD
Anyways, our classes for next year haven't came out.
So, we got to wait for that..
It may take a long time though.

Alright. So, most people keep saying on the 21st of December,
It'll be the end of the world?
Is that true?
I do not know, do you?
Well, we just gotta wait and see, right?
But i really hope it won't happen.
I still want to live till I graduate and go to Uni and other future plans.
Will all that be taken away from me?
Will HE be taken from me?
I don't want that.
So, i gotta think positive. -what he always tells me- (:
It's nice to have him around to give the world some sense into it again.

Other than that,
There's the Miri Close competition that's coming soon.
Only 3 more days.
And i only have one more training till that comes.
Not enough time.
Paying RM 50 for that competition.
Don't you guys think it's quite expensive?
Well, if you lose, than all that money will be wasted.
But I can't get my sight.
And, i can't see the freaking target face with my stabiliser blocking it! ):
Well, i guess my RM 50 would be of waste.
I don't know what to do. I seriously don't want to waste my dad's money anymore..
Not like this.
If only that David understands my situation.
If he was me, i bet he wouldn't want to join the competition either
Because of the money problem :/
Not that people actually liked him..
I don't know..
I'm confused..
I'm tired..
I'm restless..
I'm feeling like crying..
I'm gonna die..
Urgh. No point for all this shit anymore.


I wish he was here...I wish i can just mute the world for just a few minutes...
I'd be as happy as i could ever be...please...


Thursday 29 November 2012


woo...yesterday a...awkward day.
my senior and my best friend fought, i think
and she wanted to break up with him..
he came and find me to ask whether i can help him.
he said he needed her. no matter what.
he said he wants her back by his side.
i was quite..shocked that'll it come this far.
i just hope she chose wisely.
i hope it's her right choice.
cuz i know she still loves him.
i don't think she'll give up on that just yet.
not until....i don't know...something tragic that happens? both are probably not around.
i don't know how they are now..
she doesn't seem to be that happy
so i guess they haven't gone back together..
i really don't like this.
serious love CRISIS here :/
i hate solving cases like this.
it makes me more stressed than i am. :/
i hope they just get back together to make everything better
and back to how it was supposed to be.
i just wish that he wasn't so jealous and would trust for once
as in really trusting her.
actually a little jealousy in a relationship is OKAY
but if you're too over. it'll be come a disaster!
he needs to control that jealousy of his to a minimum >:(
no more loads of crappy fights.
we all have friends.
we all have mixed gender buddies.
is it wrong to talk to our opposite sex friends?
what is so wrong?
maybe that person is like a brother or sister to one another.
so don't be JEALOUS!
no use!
it'll only cause more fights than ever!
dammit. ==
live a little. would ya?


Thursday 18 October 2012


When I woke up this morning, I already felt something strange.
I just didn't what it was..
I went on facebook right after waking up.
Around 10, i went to bath.
Then at that time, i realised i haven't eaten my breakfast.
There isn't enough time to make the instant noodles
So i took a packet of biscuits and ate it.
At least that helped my hunger for a while.

Then at around 11, i went to school.
Before that, my mum had to go to the gas station and send some stuff to her friend or something.
I arrived at school at around 11:20++
HIS exam already ended at that time.
So i waited for him.
When he walked pass me, I didn't notice he was there until i turned around again.
He didn't bother to greet me..but i ignored that..
Maybe it's because he saw me with a group of people so he didn't dare to come forward
OR he could just be rushing..or something..I felt sad and angry...of myself.
I don't know why. I just feel like I wanna break something.
Then we had our PSV Paper 2 examination. I drew some geometry stuffs.
It looked pretty good to me.
Then, i went down with Jia Hui to wash our cups and pallets.
Then, i saw him and he saw me.
I think he smiled at me or something but i don't know...
I put on a sour face all the way upstairs to our exam classroom..
I felt bad, sad, moody and i felt like crying just seeing him...

I wonder what happened?!
Is it something that i've done?!

then i'm sorry if it is ):

Man...I'm so messed up today...didn't even eat lunch too..only the same packet of biscuits that i brought to school ):

Dang man...dang..



Sunday 7 October 2012


Today, we start our 2nd semester examination.
Going to have it for 2 weeks straight but only 7 days going to school.
Since we're having the exams in the afternoon, i can relax in the morning.
But the thing is,
I won't get to see my dear at school.
Since he's going for morning session..
That's pretty unlucky.

Why must the school be so unfair to us..
But never mind.
I may be able to see him later since I'm going to school at 10 am (:
I want to hear him say "I LOVE YOU!" :D hahahaha
He promised anyways -w-
Well, wish me luck,
peoples! <3

If you do, I'll wish you all luck too! If i know you guys -w-

Buh bye!


Monday 1 October 2012

Wee~ Today is our 2nd monthiversary.
I love him so much! >.<
Too bad we could do anything special today.
But it doesn't mean that'll stop us from loving each other xD
I just love to say how much I Love Him. (:
I want to hold his hands, hug him, let him hug me, tightly around him. <3
I would like that.
But i always joke around how he wouldn't be able to hug me
Even though i seriously want his embrace :D
If only he could see this (:



-two days report- o___o

They gave out the gifts to the students for the Mooncake Festival thing.
I received 8 cards. A lot? I don't know..
Somehow, my friends say I received the most in my class/school.
Just because of my stupid friend, Nicholas. Gosh..
But I'm more interested in my boyfriend's gift to me. (:
It may be lesser than that guy's but it's still special to me.
He even helped provide a bag for me to put all the gifts in.
How sweet of him (:

When i was bored in class, i did a cute little Thank You card for him but
I don't think he ever looked inside when i gave it to him and
When i saw him put the card back into my pencil case,
I was actually disappointed..
I felt a thousand times more horrible than i did at the last lesson
When we had to rush to finish our PBS practice.

That day was our outing too.
But the disappointing thing is that he could make it.
He totally forgotten to tell me that he was going for the Kem Bersepadu thing.
I was shocked and sad when i received that message from him yesterday.
Gosh. I thought my luck was getting worse..
So, he went to the camp at around 2.
I was lonely after that
Until i arrived at Merdeka Mall to gather with my other 4 friends.
We watched Premium Rush together and walked around the mall.
Me and the girls tried on different clothes at different shops.
It was amazing. :D It's my first time wearing a dress.

He came back from the camp at around 2++ in the afternoon.
I thought they were coming back in the evening but yay! it's in the afternoon.
I was quite happy :D I get to see my dear's texts again :D
After 1 long day. (:
I missed him a lot. even though he was just gone for 1 day.
Anyways, when he asked me to guess what he did at the camp,
He told me: I go hiao girl there.
I was like what the heck?!
Then i replied: Want to leave me? Just say so. (it sounded kinda cold huh?)
Well, he deserves that answer.
He said : what the...): ...
Damn it..I don't like to him joking around about THAT. hurts me..
Then, he told me not to be angry.
I told him i wasn't even though it was a lie..):
Sorry i lied..dear. i didn't mean to..
so, we're good again after that. i just want him to forget about fighting..i don't want to lose him.
he's too dear to me than anybody else. ):

that's all? stay tuned (:


Sunday 23 September 2012

It's almost 2 month since we've been together. (:
i'm seriously happy that i met him and kinda feeling lucky that he actually loves me too.
i'll love him forever. no matter what.
no matter we get separated for how long or whatever, I'm still going to love him (:
I'm not gonna let him go and i hope he won't let me go either (;
it would be sad if he does..but i won't want to think of those things..all the possibilities..
all are there but i'm not thinking it..and i hope all won't come true..unless it's something nice that would make us both happy and still together.

That's all from me (:

ps. ilovehim.


Tuesday 11 September 2012

We're finally together (:

Well, it's actually been along time since I've accepted him as my BF >w<
I was actually happy i had him with me.
He's like a cute kiddy boyfriend but still acts like a real man xD haha
well, this month is our 2nd month togather. (:
I'm really happy. Joyful!!
I love him so much. (: <3 till the very end.
we promised each other we won't break up.
And that promise i shall keep. but he did say he'll promise to love me forever. that's sweet of him. (:

Sunday 1 July 2012

Hey, it's July!

Hey, today's July! 
Oh how time past by so fast.
Soon, we're going to have our Archery Inter-School Tournament from 4th to 5th August.
Oh gosh how exciting is that? :D
I hope we St.Co archers can make our school proud by winning back the Inter-School Trophy. 
It probably be the first time in history if we can win it (:
I would be super happy if that happens (:

Alright let's talk about yesterday..
Something awkward just came out of no where..
I have a senior called Thomas Then.
I asked him who he liked since last week if i'm not mistaken. He don't want to tell me.
So i waited.
And i asked him almost everyday.
Until yesterday. I asked him again..
And he said... "You lo"
I was like ._____________________.
"what just happened?" in my head..
I paused for a moment and then i replied him, "You're not joking?"
He said " You guess"
I said "So, you're not joking ._."
He said " No "
Then, i think we've paused for a long time....i started a new topic.. until we played Tetris Battle for quite a long time.
I asked him, why does he like me?
He said it's because i'm good.
he said good in everything.
I was like "huh?" in my head. that can't be true...He doesn't know me that well yet.. but i'll let him have his time (:

And then. after we played tetris battle, had a small chat. we said he wanted to off. so. after a few minutes. he sent me a message saying the reason why he likes me again.... I was quite..shocked? happy? i don't know my emotion. it's quite mixed up. 
So, you told me to make my choice. Following what i think is best. So, please have the patience to wait. I really want to answer the right answer and don't regret it. Should I accept or not? I'm not sure... My heart still isn't mature yet... it's a good thing your not the type who forces people (: thank goodness 


Wednesday 6 June 2012

Dear Archery!

After a week of holiday, I realise how I just love it even though sometimes I have nothing to do.
At least I get to go for my archery training and be with my archer friends.
They're more close than my school friends. I guess.
I really don't want to go back to school. ):
I want everyday to be like this. With archery in my daily life.
After "2" weeks of holiday, I really need to get use to the school life again.
With all the projects and assessments that needs to be finished.
I want to give up on it but I never did. I must try but don't have the heart to do it.
It's hard and will take time to get use to. 
I hope God will bless me, help me through out the progress.
I hope that I will finish it wish satisfied feelings.
I hope the teachers will be satisfied with out work.
There won't be a long holiday. Not until November and December. 
Which is 5+ months away. Do you guys think I can bare with it.
I hope so.
I don't want to fail in the middle of the progress.
Not a chance.



Better try than giving up, right? 


That's all for now. Will update again not soon. sorry. >< Net.


Saturday 5 May 2012

Lions and Leos Sport/Family Day

Today's the Lions and Leos Sports Day or how they say it, Family Day.
It's quite fun.
We had a few activities going on like Volleyball, Sack Race, Tug-of-war.
Then, we had lunch. Before that, we had our prize giving.
1st - Purple and White Team
2nd - Silver Team
3rd - Red Team
4th - Green Team

I'm in Red team (:

So, Our lunch is quite okay to me. The long beans are quite hard, that's all.
The meat as delicious (:
The fish was okay (:

Then, I went home with a pack of 'My Fish Chip'

That's all (:

Sunday 29 April 2012

2nd Monthly Tournament

Hey, Today's the Archery Monthly Tournament for us archers (:
It was a fun experience to get 3rd last. 18th
It may be sad but hey, at least i tried my best, right? :D
Well, I have panic target. Need to train more.
Coach David said I can't follow the normal training. I was like what?!
But, if that's for the best then i guess i can't argue. ):
He say it may struggle but it's for the best.
The only way to over come my Virus. D:

Right, let's skip that.
After the tournament, I went to have lunch with my friends, Esther, Gao Teck and his friend.
His friend paid the lunch for us. oh trololol. xD How nice -w-
And then i went home -w- lol

Friday 6 April 2012

Have we grown apart? );

These few days. it just isn't the same.
it's not like the first day we started chatting.
we've grown more apart.
that's saddening me.
you wouldn't know how much it hurts me.
i cried almost everyday ever since i started chatting with you.
i hope you can know that one day,
i like you. do you?
you told me but i don't know how to believe anymore.
i can't. my past horrified me.
scared in me.
i just can't let that go.
many people might just tell me to move on but i just CAN'T!
I hate this feeling.

well, on next year's Valentine's Day.
I hope you'll realize how much i feel about you.


Friday 23 March 2012


i'm back and i'm gonna talk about me feelings toward someone i just knew.
okay. here it goes..

"sometimes, i feel sad thinking about you. you make me miss you so much yet i know i can never be by your side."
"now, you're not in miri which made me more depressed than i'd ever been."
"why? i only met you for a while. not even a month! now all this had to happen."
i wonder of all people, why me? i have to get involve with these feelings of mine.
"every night i think about you but do you ever think about me? i think not."
"i know you don't know how i feel about you. i always wonder if you felt the same."
"maybe you've already had a 'special girl'. that's why i kept quiet. waiting for the time to let you know."

why am i so stupid? i know you won't feel the same. . .  :(
"maybe i shouldn't tell. i should just keep for myself. will that hurt me more as i'm already hurt now? i hope not."

"one day, i'll make my heart go for the right person and i know indeed that that person will be there without me knowing it. i'm scared to know the truth yet i want to know. sorrow took over . . . . . . "

yea. that's about it?

bye, (;

Wednesday 14 March 2012

My bruised arm :)

well, Hi there, peeps :)
I'm just going to skip to the part where i got a bruise on my arm :D

right, in the afternoon, i went to archery training
since i went there early,
some of us started shooting first while waiting for the others to arrive.
right, shoot shoot shoot.~ skip skip skip~
then, i keep shooting shooting.
my hand keep getting hit by the bow's string.
it doesn't hurt much from the start but as time goes
it started stinging real bad.
it was all red! had a bump .__.
my was so soar, red in the middle, purple in the outside.
it was quite big, the bruise. .__.
right, then, the coach gave me an arm-guard to protect my arm.
thank goodness :D
or i would've cried. badly. ._.
and nobody would like that.. ._.

i went back home, put ice on it and now it's so cold :3 well,
was cold. now it had turned warm agn. ._.
okay, maybe later i'm going to put ice on it agn.

k that's all. buh bye!


Tuesday 13 March 2012


hi peeps!
i'mma back :3
okay, so about today ; 
around 9 am, i went out to pick up michelle.
we ent to take my sis to tuition.
we had to stay at  mah grandma's house for 2 hours.
but then, we went to GK Supermarket to buy something to eat/drink.
then, my cousin turned on the computer to play.
then, we were bored so we went out to play.

around 1130,
me and michelle went to parkson.
her friends, jasmine, celine and emilyn or emylyn? ._.
okay, so it turned out to be okay between us,
we laugh, chat and stuff ._____.
yaknow the rest.
vivian and ravenna was there to celebrate their friend's birthday. some guy i don't know ._.

moving on.

around 3 pm,
we rushed to merdeka mall.
I have archery training. ._.
I'm like, 2 minutes late..
erm, so i quickly did the starting of the stretching, yea.
right. skip skip skip~
the part where the coach is going to take point from our shooting.
the unlucky part...
the bow i'm using got problem.
that's what coach said :3
oh yea, 
when we go to clear our arrows, it's like i don't freaking have energy at all... ):
my hands are all sweating and slippery. ._.
coach had to keep helping me to pull it xD oh and the girl whom i forgot the name ald
from 2nd class :D

kay, that's about it? :)

bye, peeps.

blog soon!

Monday 12 March 2012

Okay, I'm back? :D

hey people!
i'm back!
from a long boring vacation of nothingness! 
anyways, how are you guys?
i guess i can't stop blogging for some day as i'm just too bored. 
i wanted to change the skin of my blog but i'm not sure how..
but hey, at least i get to blog agn! 

ok, about school? friends? holiday?
School ; 
everything's the same
it's all fine, somehow peaceful
i just LOVE st. columba

Friends ; 
everything had been fine with our friendship.
few weeks ago, we almost broke our friendship but
fate led us back (;
thx, fate.
we're going to have a mini party at my house
it's going to be a BLAST!
i'm sure of it.
horror movie~ >:3

Holiday ; 
well, since i started archery, i've never been bored in the holidays
unless it was a day i can't go for training.
well, later at night, i'm going for the training.
sweet! :x

Archery ; 
kay, archery is like...the most awesome sport ever!
i just love archery even though they're being tough on us
it's the way they train us so
i choose to accept it :)
i guess i've founf new friends?
well, not exactly?
like, people who i talk to la :D

ok. i guess that it?

bye, peeps :3

Monday 16 January 2012

Treasurer :DD

Hi! I'm back :D
This morning, it was quite noisy as the students from 1S2 and 1S3 come into our class.
I hate the noises.
But! Chai Jie is there so ok lah :DD
Guess what? Did i tell you that i was the class treasurer?
Well, I am!! :D haha. anyways,
i've collected the class money and PSV money but not everyone had given me the money. so i'm going to continue collecting tomorrow and pass it to Cikgu Masyri :D
Wee~ It's fun to be a treasurer but it's actually a lot of work D:
but, i can handle it, yeah~ :D

that's all. bye!

Saturday 14 January 2012

Last Day of Orientation D: #sad

yesterday was the last day of orientation.
it was so awesome, fun and touching.
i know i wasn't gonna cry and i didn't but i wished i did.
it was the most experiencing orientation i've ever had
well, it's actually the 1st orientation i ever had xD
so, yeah.
first experience is the best :D
although we've been trough thick and thin in the programme, we did our best to spend it to the fullest :D
in the end, it was successfully finished with the closing ceremony.
the ceremony was both ass-hurting and things-can't-be-seen-from-far-away-feeling.
sad but at least i could see SOME of the video. :/
totally worth it!!
so, yeah, i guess that's it about the closing ceremony?

today, we're going to go to Vivian's birthday party at park city everly hotel.
how fun is that?!
we're going to swim at the awesome pool that i haven't been swimming in for a long time :D
lol. anyways,
yea. i guess that's about it.


Thursday 12 January 2012

Something New?

I haven't been updating any post
so, now, i'm going to :D

cuz I'm back! xD
anyways, it's obviously 2012 now :D
Nice ohh! >x<
The people there are awesome and fun :D
I met Gavin and knew he was a weird guy who looks like a gangster to me xD
Well, anyways.
About orientation, it's been quite awesome and fun throughout the programme :)
I have met some new friends and they are quite kind, i guess :D
And, most of my seniors are people who i knew. somehow.
they knew my sister, i knew them :D
lol. it's like that la.
Change to another topic.
Tomorrow, we're going to have a Talent Show.
Our group is going to be singing Who Says by Selena Gomez.
URGH! why??!! @.@
why, Rachael? Whyy?!
nvm nvm. as long as i'm not the lead singer, i'm safe .__.
but i'm scared of who's going to be the lead singer e.e


yea, i guess that's it? ._.
i can't think of anything else. will update agn tomorrow, i hope :D

see you guys!
somewhere :D